References | Recent movie productions by BEEFTEA group
Please find below some recent movie references

Brand feature webinar
Coca-Cola "Lokalfreun.de" Webinars
A Coca-Cola webinar project about “Best practice” of bar and restaurant owners during lockdown times.
Please finde more at:

Emotional HR trailer
Coca-Cola "Development"
An emotional movie of the HR devision at a (live) 2.000 pers. Kick-Off of Coca-Cola in Jan 2020, which we managed in total.

AURELIUS Invest - Keynotes
Several productions for a digital internal partner event in November 2020.
(Example shows not the movie - just still picture)

German Trade & Invest | Federal German Ministry for Economics
Welcome speech of the digital Japan-German Industry Forum
Live stream with Japanese interpretation

3D animation
Shell Oil Germany - Partner meeting Intro
Special wide-screen animation as intro trailer at a large Partner Meeting (1.800 pers.)

2D animation & speaker
Shell Oil Germany - Security announcement
Security announcement prior to live event on wide-screen animation.

Aurelius Invest - "Office Tour"
As intro movie, Aurelius introduced their HQ with all responsible heads at the Europe wide Partner Meeting.

24-hour production
Coca-Cola - "Making of"
An 18 hours production between setup and start of a digital conference at Coke HQ in Berlin, Germany.

Event opener
IPS Pressevertrieb - Conference Opening
Intro trailer to an innovative meeting format of the leading international media conference IMC 2021, featuring the founder and the CEO of IPS.